Pulse Electrolysis and Esthetics
Pulse Electrolysis and Esthetics
Permanent Hair Removal and Esthetics

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Electrolysis?
Electrology is a common method of removing unwanted hair. A small probe is inserted into the hair follicle. Next, a low-level electrical current passes through the probe into your skin and destroys the hair follicle. Hair is unable to grow back in an area where the follicle has been destroyed.
Is electrolysis the only method of permanent hair removal?
Yes. Electrolysis is the only scientifically proven method of permanent hair removal. Electrolysis has been shown to be permanent in over a century of use. Temporary methods such as shaving, tweezing, depilatories, waxing, laser, and stringing require frequent time-consuming maintenance. Skin irritations, ingrown hairs, discoloration, and scarring may result. Some of these methods contribute to an increase in hair growth activity.
Why should I choose electrolysis to solve my unwanted hair problem?
Time is one factor for choosing electrolysis in today's fast-paced world. Dealing with unwanted hair in a temporary way is tedious, costly and never-ending. Permanent hair removal frees you from this daily routine. Electrolysis also improves your physical appearance and self-image. It is a choice that will enhance your own natural beauty and self-confidence. Lastly, electrolysis has been proven safe and effective over many years of use and is recognized by physicians and the American Medical Association. You can be confident that permanent hair removal will change your life in positive and lasting ways.
Is electrolysis safe?
Yes. Electrolysis has a 125-year history of safety and effectiveness. There has never been a reported case of disease transmission in electrolysis. We use only sterile disposable probes and a new probe is provided for each treatment. The tweezers are also sterilized before each treatment.
Are there any situations when electrolysis should not be performed?
Yes. Your electrologist should do a consultation with you and ask the relevant medical questions to determine if you are a suitable candidate. Electrolysis should not be performed on moles or birthmarks. Also clients with a pacemaker should not have electrolysis on any part of the body.
Is electrolysis uncomfortable?
Whether there is any discomfort during electrolysis is quite variable depending on the patient's tolerance, the epilator settings, the modality used, as well as other factors. During most treatments a definite sensation should be noticed. It has been described as a 'slight heat", "tingling", or "stinging" sensation. There is no such thing as painless electrolysis. It is impossible to destroy hair growth tissue without sensation because each hair has its own network of nerve endings hat surround each hair follicle. The sensation, which may be felt, is assurance that destructive activity is taking place. Even though some parts of the body are more sensitive than others, adjustments can be made which may help to make the treatment more comfortable.
What areas of the body can be treated?
Hair can be removed from almost any part of the body. Some common areas for women include the hairline, eyebrows, top of the nose, cheeks, sideburn area, upper and lower lip, chin, throat, neck, shoulders, back, chest, breasts, abdomen, arms, underarms, legs, bikini line, hands, feet, toes, and fingers. Men often have hair removed from the hairline, beard line, shoulders, back, neck, chest, ears, and nose. Electrolysis is very helpful for treating ingrown hairs, which frequently cause irritation in the beard area.
Are all hairs eliminated in one treatment or is growth to be expected?
Deep Coarse hairs cannot always be eliminated with one treatment: thus breaking down the hair germ cells may require additional treatments. During the course of treatment and due to the cyclic nature of hair growth, new hairs as well as hairs emerging from a dormant phase will also be treated and may be visible at the same time as finer regrowth hairs.
What is the normal growth cycle of a hair?
All hairs have differing cycles of growth and are not visible on the surface of the skin at the same time. Hair normally grows for its usual cycle, then naturally sheds and replaces itself. Following active growing periods, most hair follicles go into a dormant stage. The period of dormancy may last for an indefinite period of time, however, replacements hairs usually appear in 3 to 12 months. The appearance of these coarse replacement hairs from dormant hair follicles should not be mistaken as regrowth from previously treated follicles.
How long does it take to permanently clear and area?
The total treatments can vary greatly from one individual to another. It is dependent on a number of factors that include:
- The size of the area being treated
- previous use of temporary hair removal methods
- hair growth cycles
- the density of the hair
- the texture of the hair
- the existence of curved or distorted follicles
- heredity
- normal physiologic changes
- hormone function
- certain medications
- medical history
- the client's age
- the client's tolerance
- stress influence
Some improvement should be observed within several months after initiating treatment, provided the client adheres to the recommended schedule. It is important to realize that time, commitment, and patience are needed in order to overcome a problem, which did not develop overnight.